Lenovo buys Motorola: the latest news on Google's big sale http://t.co/DD0ItbWYO4
On January 29th, Google stunned the smartphone industry when it announced plans to sell Motorola Mobility to Lenovo — less than two years after completing its own buyout of the American handset...
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 31, 2014 at 09:46PM
Why is The Great Pyramid so spoken of? Does it really deserve to be one of the 7 wonders of the world? Just to give an idea of how large the pyramid is, here are a few quick facts. The pyramid is estimated to have around 2,300,000 stone blocks that weigh from 2 to 30 tons each and there are eve
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 30, 2014 at 11:53AM
“A minha avó é do tempo em que se comia no prato e eu estou farto de sandes”. É com esta provocação que se apresenta o conceito do Cone à Portuguesa, que promete encher cones de sabores lusos, de alheira a porco preto ou bacalhau. Fomos até ao Príncipe Real, em Lisboa, para provar e falar com os cri...
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 28, 2014 at 12:54PM
Watch trailerBundles SoldBuyGobliiins TrilogyIrem Arcade HitsRaiden Legacy, The ReturnAl Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's MineSaturday Morning RPGGobliiins TrilogyGobliiins Trilogy : the ultimate experience of the Gobliiins adventure games. With the different characters and their own features, you will…
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 28, 2014 at 10:02AM
A solar still, like many solar collector devices, consists of a glass-covered box, which is painted on the inside. A pan of water is placed inside and the device is placed in the sun. Sunlight enters the box and heats the water, promoting evaporation. When the water vapor hits the glass, it condense...
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 27, 2014 at 03:41PM
Retweeted Bundle Tracker (@BundleTracker): Derrick the Deathfin giveaway by @IndieGameStand You must Retweet this & follow @BundleTracker & @IndieGameStand >>> http://t.co/EegOyBDb6B
Featuring the latest and greatest games to hit the Indie scene.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 27, 2014 at 12:31PM
The Tranquility Pod will gently vibrate you to sleep http://t.co/YpvxhhIqVR https://t.co/KY5XWvbHnT
HomeHot StuffThe Tranquility Pod will gently vibrate you to sleep Recharge yourself by nestling within this comfortable cocoon from the future Tweetby Elissa Loi27 January 2014 10:19amFollow @http://ift.tt/Le3yf8 that an alien egg?Don’t be silly, aliens don’t exist. Not until these peopl...
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 27, 2014 at 12:09PM
Joana Villaverde é artista plástica. Tem 43 anos, duas filhas. Carolina Villaverde Rosado, a filha mais velha, estuda Ciências Políticas em Roma. Tem 20 anos. Constança acabou de fazer 18 anos, estuda na António Arroio, vive em Lisboa. Joana casou com Patrícia há dois anos, estão juntas há 14. No ca…
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 26, 2014 at 07:07PM
Numa década, aquele que é o sector que mais água consome no país reduziu os seus gastos em cerca de 33% ao mesmo tempo que a produtividade das explorações regadas subiu mais do que 30%.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 26, 2014 at 12:20PM
What's your favourite clip from anything I've done? The Office, Derek, Golden Globes, Stand Up, Extras,...anything. I'll work out your top 10 clips and post them here over the coming weeks. Illegally of course :)
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 24, 2014 at 10:30PM
De 7 a 15 de Junho, o mundo rural concentra-se em Santarém na Feira Nacional de Agricultura. A produção nacional vai estar em destaque nesta 51.ª edição que contará com seminários, exposições, demonstrações, provas de vinho e muita gastronomia.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 24, 2014 at 06:34PM
On February 4, 2014, Bill Nye (the Science Guy!) will debate Ken Ham, CEO of Christian apologetics ministry Answers in Genesis, at the Creation Museum.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 24, 2014 at 05:49PM
Retweeted Bundle Tracker (@BundleTracker): Giveaway of Cities In Motion Complete bundle! You MUST Retweet this & follow @BundleStars & @BundleTracker Checkout http://t.co/NCaxTDw2Xi
Indie Bundles and PC Game Bundles from Bundle Stars.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 24, 2014 at 12:05PM
The toll of the anti-vaccination movement, in one devastating graphic http://t.co/hpYCXAkHy4
Aaron Carroll today offers a graphic depiction of the toll of the anti- vaccination movement. (H/t: Kevin Drum .) It comes from a Council on Foreign Relations interactive map of "vaccine-preventable outbreaks" worldwide 2008-2014.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 23, 2014 at 06:49PM
One thing you'll never see Suze Orman do on the job: multitask. http://t.co/rEn8R2n15C #ProductivityHacks https://t.co/ub9YHYAtAn
Keeping it simple makes me — and my business — hum.For starters, you will never, ever catch me multitasking. I think people who boast about their ability to simultaneously juggle multiple projects or
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 22, 2014 at 10:16AM
"The convict's 15-minute death struggle was described by one witness as 'horrific.' That's a problem, because Americans want the government to kill people for us, but we don't want to feel ookie." http://on.cc.com/1dsvlyo
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 22, 2014 at 01:42AM
The 85 richest people on Earth have the same amount of wealth as the bottom half of the population, according to a new report that highlights growing income inequality as political and business leaders gather for the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 21, 2014 at 12:54PM
Topic of the month January 2014: In the autochthonous garden of Eden Almost no other wine growing country offers such a wide variety of grapes and styles as Portugal – an insider's tip for discoverers
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 21, 2014 at 10:54AM
A Universidade de Aveiro está a desenvolver uma rolha de cortiça que integra um "chip", capaz de dar informações completas sobre o vinho, como a data em que foi produzido e engarrafado e mesmo as temperaturas a que esteve sujeito.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 21, 2014 at 10:44AM
As top human scientists dream of someday creating a quantum computer, are we lagging far behind plants? io9 reports: Biophysicists theorize that plants tap into the eerie world of quantum entanglement during photosynthesis. Evidence to date has been purely...
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 20, 2014 at 04:01PM
Retweeted Bundle Tracker (@BundleTracker): Three Dead Zed giveaway by @IndieGameStand You must Retweet this & follow @BundleTracker & @IndieGameStand Pls check http://t.co/EegOyBDb6B
Featuring the latest and greatest games to hit the Indie scene.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 20, 2014 at 09:46AM
Cognitive dissonance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://t.co/w5COg39xeU
Social psychologists refer to cognitive dissonance as the presence of incongruent relations among cognitions (thought and understanding) that frequently results in excessive mental stress and discomfort.[1] Ultimately, individuals who hold two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas and/or values frequ...
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 17, 2014 at 11:44PM
Retweeted Bundle Tracker (@BundleTracker): Giveaway of @LazyGuysStudio 15 game bundle! You MUST Retweet this & follow @BundleTracker & @LazyGuysStudio Pls visit http://t.co/Qm7z7CgQkv
Year 2013 was an amazing time when we entered brave world of players as developers and things started in full spin. We, LazyGuysStudio, and couple of other developers have decided to make one very special bundle with our games in it. We have connected together to give you more than $129.99 worth of…
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 17, 2014 at 08:42PM
Texas Public Charter Schools Are Teaching Creationism http://t.co/0vDwsGeYEg
When public-school students enrolled in Texas’ largest charter program open their biology workbooks, they will read that the fossil record is “sketchy.” That evolution is “dogma” and an “unproved theory” with no experimental basis. They will be told that leading scientists dispute the mechanisms of…
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 16, 2014 at 11:25PM
Para além de espirituoso, intelectual e fruto mais puro do génio criativo e civilizacional da cultura ocidental, o vinho é hoje consensualmente tido como uma bebida salutar, benéfica para o sistema vascular e para o corpo de uma forma genérica, para além de proveitosa para a condição espiritual huma…
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 16, 2014 at 11:40AM
O país foi eleito um dos dez destinos no mundo com melhor relação qualidade-preço. Noutros tops, destaca-se o Brasil, que lidera os destinos globais para 2014. Já São Tomé e Príncipe ou Cabo Verde brilham entre as ilhas e praias.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 16, 2014 at 11:07AM
A 16th century manuscript featuring an image that looks like a kangaroo could prove that Portuguese explorers discovered Australia before the first recorded European landing in 1606
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 16, 2014 at 11:06AM
Hello Guys, I was surfing the web today and came across this and want to share with you all. We all at a point in time tried checking our internet speed. E
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 16, 2014 at 11:05AM
Those little words “Contains Sulfites” on the bottom of a label often stir up concern. However sulfites in wine are not as bad as you might think. Check out this comparison...
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 16, 2014 at 12:15AM
Retweeted Bundle Tracker (@BundleTracker): Dungeon of Element giveaway by @IndieGameStand You must Retweet this & follow @BundleTracker & @IndieGameStand Click http://t.co/EegOyBDb6B
Featuring the latest and greatest games to hit the Indie scene.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 14, 2014 at 05:32PM
The Georgia Institute of Technology has admitted its first 401 students to the low-cost online master’s degree program in computer science created in partnership with massive open online course provider Udacity, and the January launch will be the first step toward seeing how scalable such a program…
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 14, 2014 at 11:55AM
The worst thing about Sherlock's series 3 finale yesterday was wondering when the show would return. As it turns out, series 4 may not be too far away. The
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 14, 2014 at 11:22AM
Scientists were playing hide & seek in heaven. . Einstein was seeker. . Newton didn't hide & stood in a square of 1 meter. . Einstein: I found you newton !! Newton: U are wrong. I am not newton. As iam standing in 1 mt square, i am Newton/per mt sq, So I am Pascal. . Newton Rocked, Einstein Shocked.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 13, 2014 at 05:28PM
The new ebook "Engineering Mathematics: YouTube Workbook” takes learning to a new level by combining free written lessons with free online video tutorials.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 13, 2014 at 10:14AM
Retweeted Bundle Tracker (@BundleTracker): Giveaway of @IndieRoyale The Choices 2013! You MUST Retweet this & follow @BundleTracker & @IndieRoyale Please visit http://t.co/Y9dj6RABas
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 12, 2014 at 10:14PM
O Sport Lisboa e Benfica apela a todos os espectadores que se deslocarem, este domingo, ao Estádio da Luz para que respeitem a vontade da família de Eusébio e façam silêncio total durante o minuto que lembrará o "Pantera Negra".
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 10, 2014 at 06:43PM
Coke is the most valuable brand in history, and “Coca-Cola” is the world’s second-most recognized word after “hello.” However, the beverage itself is an absolute poison to the human metabolism. Coke is very close to the acidity level of battery acid and consequently it can clean surf
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 10, 2014 at 11:38AM
As negociações com a indústria farmacêutica, que se arrastavam há já algum tempo e que suscitaram muitas críticas, nomeadamente por parte do bastonário da Ordem dos Médicos, que denunciou haver doentes com hepatite C “a serem condenados à morte”, ficaram concluídas ontem.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 10, 2014 at 11:33AM
Computer scientists have developed an algorithm which can predict with 84 per cent accuracy whether a book will be a commercial success - and the secret is to avoid cliches and excessive use of verbs
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 09, 2014 at 03:39PM
Cozinha segura e simpatia genuína são a fórmula mágica desta casa há mais de meio século. Apesar de algumas faltas, O Parreirinha, em Barcarena, trata os clientes como anfitriões, pois quem sabe se amanhã não serão alguns deles os patrões...
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 09, 2014 at 01:08PM
Helpouts connects people who need help with people who can give help over live video. Get help across multiple topics right from your PC or mobile device.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 09, 2014 at 11:12AM
The wealth of knowledge once reserved for the Ivy League Elite is now being released for free on the internet, power to the people! In the beginning information traveled slow, knowledge was confined to a few buildings around the globe that are guarded by...
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 08, 2014 at 11:10AM
Even as Nike moves to wrist-worn electronics, a company called 3L Labs at CES announces FootLogger, which builds sensors into a person's shoe. Expect them in the second half of 2014. Read this post by Stephen Shankland on CES 2014: Wearable Tech.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 07, 2014 at 03:50PM
In this fun, 3-min performance from the World Science Festival, musician Bobby McFerrin uses the pentatonic scale to reveal one surprising result of the way our brains are wired.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 07, 2014 at 03:25PM
Star Wars fans rejoice; a Boba Fett movie is officially in the works. The Star Wars spinoffs have been rumored for a while, but everybody’s favorite bounty
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 07, 2014 at 01:19PM
What kind of master blackmailer must Magnussen be to evidently have even Mycroft in his pocket? Expect much of… https://t.co/jBYyH0euw0
What kind of master blackmailer must Magnussen be to evidently have even Mycroft in his pocket? Expect much of this to remain a mystery until Season 3′s…
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 07, 2014 at 11:21AM
Some really cool news from Lenovo who will be pre-loading XBMC on their upcoming home media server. Great to see… https://t.co/ej8FaEYqPy
Some really cool news from Lenovo who will be pre-loading XBMC on their upcoming home media server. Great to see that big companies are also recognising…
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 07, 2014 at 11:21AM
Na senda da repetição exaustiva que tenho feito nos últimos tempos, aludindo à importância da subjectividade, das ligações afectivas, do que não se consegue justificar, hoje e em honra à minha filha mais velha, dedico-lhe um vinho. Um vinho que nasceu no mesmo ano que ela. Um vinho que veio de uma Q
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 05, 2014 at 02:42PM
Convidamos todos a cumprir o último desejo de Eusébio da Silva Ferreira. Amanhã, às 13h30, a urna do “Pantera Negra” dará a última volta ao Estádio da Luz. A Catedral estará aberta para receber todos os portugueses.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 05, 2014 at 02:38PM
Governo decreta três dias de luto nacional O Governo de Portugal decretou, este domingo, três dias de luto devido ao falecimento de Eusébio da Silva Ferreira aos 71 anos.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 05, 2014 at 12:21PM
Do you think your voice is heard in Europe? We’ve asked that question a lot in the last 12 months, at the debates… https://t.co/LVbYVdkc2U
Do you think your voice is heard in Europe? We’ve asked that question a lot in the last 12 months, at the debates in towns and cities across Europe. The…
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 04, 2014 at 07:16PM
Gifs rule! Here are some of the most mesmerizing. If you have some time to stare, then this is just what the doctor ordered. The doctor probably didn't give you those drugs . . .
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 04, 2014 at 07:16PM
The scientists at GeneTech Pharma Labs celebrated the 60th anniversary of the double-helix DNA structure by… https://t.co/fcm4P4gbOZ
The scientists at GeneTech Pharma Labs celebrated the 60th anniversary of the double-helix DNA structure by wearing different colored hats and forming a…
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 04, 2014 at 07:16PM
useful! Here are some ways to help you hide your email address from bots http://t.co/XYWj3noLXI #css … https://t.co/DkjQWpXJL5
Here are some CSS and JavaScript based techniques that will help you hide your email address from email harvesting bots that scrap web pages, looking for email addresses.
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 04, 2014 at 07:16PM
Storm United is an upcomming free to play MMOFPS. In Storm United everything from weapons, to gear, to vehicles has to be crafted or traded. Be part of a clan, produce components and equipment, build large production facilities and conquer areas rich in materials you need. While the entire game in...
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 02, 2014 at 01:21PM
The official synopsis of the first episode, titled "The Empty Hearse," is as follows: "In episode one of this new… https://t.co/dkeL9avr0J
The official synopsis of the first episode, titled "The Empty Hearse," is as follows: "In episode one of this new series, two years after the devastating…
by José Lourenço via Facebook at January 01, 2014 at 11:07AM